The Sneaky Gene
I've always known they were sneaky. Tonight The Princess of Wails (The Artist Formerly Known As The Little One, aka. The Middle Child because she has developed a rather humorous case of "Jan Brady Syndrome.") almost pulled one over on me. Either she is getting better, or I am inching closer to "the home."
You see, #1 Son is selling candy as a fund-raiser for his Crew team. His sister is an easy mark, as she covets candy. Tonight, in lieu of the usual mixed temptation box he usually has, #1 Son brought home a box containing nothing but Reese's Cups. Reese's Cups are one of The Princess' favorite poisons. As you might recall from a previous post, I am a bit fond of the chocolate and peanut-butter treats myself. (Ahem)
Obviously #1 Son has a knack for marketing.
Anyhoo, The Girl buys a Reese's Cup package from her brother. This angered me, as dinner was soon to hit the table. Being the excellent Mother that I am, I threatened to inflict bodily harm on her if she ate the candy before dinner. She kept laughing and saying, "Do you want me to show it to you? I haven't eaten it! You can trust me, Mom!" Of course, being the excellent AND trusting Mother that I am, I kept demanding proof. The kid provided it on demand, in the form of the unopened candy wrapper. I was actually rather happy with her.
My bubble burst after dinner when I helped #1 Son count his money and account for all the candy. It seems that The Princess used some of her birthday money to purchase not ONE, but FIVE packages of candy from her brother. She was eating them throughout the evening, while saving one unopened candy to show me each time she was challenged.
What a little Butthead.
I had no choice but to admit defeat this time around. I'm not happy about it.
Obviously the Sneaky Gene comes from her father's side of the family.
You see, #1 Son is selling candy as a fund-raiser for his Crew team. His sister is an easy mark, as she covets candy. Tonight, in lieu of the usual mixed temptation box he usually has, #1 Son brought home a box containing nothing but Reese's Cups. Reese's Cups are one of The Princess' favorite poisons. As you might recall from a previous post, I am a bit fond of the chocolate and peanut-butter treats myself. (Ahem)
Obviously #1 Son has a knack for marketing.
Anyhoo, The Girl buys a Reese's Cup package from her brother. This angered me, as dinner was soon to hit the table. Being the excellent Mother that I am, I threatened to inflict bodily harm on her if she ate the candy before dinner. She kept laughing and saying, "Do you want me to show it to you? I haven't eaten it! You can trust me, Mom!" Of course, being the excellent AND trusting Mother that I am, I kept demanding proof. The kid provided it on demand, in the form of the unopened candy wrapper. I was actually rather happy with her.
My bubble burst after dinner when I helped #1 Son count his money and account for all the candy. It seems that The Princess used some of her birthday money to purchase not ONE, but FIVE packages of candy from her brother. She was eating them throughout the evening, while saving one unopened candy to show me each time she was challenged.
What a little Butthead.
I had no choice but to admit defeat this time around. I'm not happy about it.
Obviously the Sneaky Gene comes from her father's side of the family.