So at dinner tonight, the oldest daughter (the artist formally known as "The Little One") asks us to PLEASE, never, EVER buy Oreos again because she has no willpower and 2 Oreos are 140 calories. All I kept thinking was, "Who the hell bought Oreos and how the hell did I miss them??"

Welcome back, Catt! Funny as ever!
It is hard to believe that so much time has passed that now your "Little One" is at the stage where caloric worries beseige her! I still have the two "youngest" at home while they're finishing school (OMG, it pains me to even say that word when they're ADULTS now). The girl, led by the advice of the eldest sister, has taken to keeping HER groceries, dorm-like, in her room so as not to have to share with the thief, heretofore known as her brother. I sometimes find the dog sniffing around on her carpet licking up crumbs. The giveaway is the wrappers in the trash. To which I say; "Honey, I get the hiding the food. But you might wanna take out your trash every once in awhile so your brother doesn't know you're hoarding food. If you don't, he'll be rummaging in your room." Next thing you know, she'll be hiring a locksmith to put a lock on her door. Happy New Year, C.
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