Ugly Is As Ugly Does
OK, I know I should feel some shame. But quite honestly I am rather giddy about the whole thing. I think it's pretty damned amusing. But then again I am a bit twisted. Today we received the rather dubious honor of being named one of the 20 "Ugliest Backyards" in our area. I'm sure my parents are thrilled.
A local radio station is running a contest to find the ugliest backyard in the area. The winner gets a backyard "makeover" by a landscaping company complete with a pond, new lawn furniture and a trip for two to the Bahamas while they do the work. Heck, they can KEEP their trip and put the money into the yard if we win. Last weekend, after spending a whole day working in the jungle (our yard) to no avail, I was frustrated enough to snap some digital pictures and send them in. Lo and behold, we're finalists. The sad part is that we HAVE been working on it (OK...for 5 years, but still...) and it STILL looks like crap.
So anyway, the station posted pictures of the finalists on their website and people have to vote for the worst one. It was with a little trepidation that I sent out email to our friends today begging them to vote for us. Sure, we want the votes - but do we really want everyone to see how horrendous the jungle really is? Then again, most of our friends have been here, so it should come as no surprise to them. *IF* we win, the radio station holds a party for 25 complete with singers we can't stand ("The Calypso Nuts" - a husband and wife team who sing nothing but Jimmy Buffet songs - we ran into them in a bar a few years ago), pizza and Corona beer. I think that IF we win, we'll throw a party of our own for all our friends. A keg of Guinness and a cookout on the grill is more our speed. We haven't had a good throw down since the annual Halloween party. I promised them as much. What does it say about us that we have friends who will do just about anything for free beer?
Of course, we probably don't have near as many friends as the other people who entered, but it's good to hope. But really....what do the "runners up" in the contest get other than public humiliation? We didn't win the lottery last night either.
A local radio station is running a contest to find the ugliest backyard in the area. The winner gets a backyard "makeover" by a landscaping company complete with a pond, new lawn furniture and a trip for two to the Bahamas while they do the work. Heck, they can KEEP their trip and put the money into the yard if we win. Last weekend, after spending a whole day working in the jungle (our yard) to no avail, I was frustrated enough to snap some digital pictures and send them in. Lo and behold, we're finalists. The sad part is that we HAVE been working on it (OK...for 5 years, but still...) and it STILL looks like crap.
So anyway, the station posted pictures of the finalists on their website and people have to vote for the worst one. It was with a little trepidation that I sent out email to our friends today begging them to vote for us. Sure, we want the votes - but do we really want everyone to see how horrendous the jungle really is? Then again, most of our friends have been here, so it should come as no surprise to them. *IF* we win, the radio station holds a party for 25 complete with singers we can't stand ("The Calypso Nuts" - a husband and wife team who sing nothing but Jimmy Buffet songs - we ran into them in a bar a few years ago), pizza and Corona beer. I think that IF we win, we'll throw a party of our own for all our friends. A keg of Guinness and a cookout on the grill is more our speed. We haven't had a good throw down since the annual Halloween party. I promised them as much. What does it say about us that we have friends who will do just about anything for free beer?
Of course, we probably don't have near as many friends as the other people who entered, but it's good to hope. But really....what do the "runners up" in the contest get other than public humiliation? We didn't win the lottery last night either.

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