It's All About the Costume

First, I have to tell you I have been fighting with my scanner all night. I have been trying to scan in various pictures of Halloween costumes C. and I have worn over the years. For some reason my scanner insists on creating pictures that look like the viewer (you) is on acid. In the interest of getting this post up, as I have a busy weekend planned and hey, I'm just too lazy to deal with my photo editing program, I give you my brother. Yes, that's him above in his costume this year. He's Frankenberry. If you take a peek at his website you'll get the feeling that he takes Halloween very seriously. Go to the "Other Junk" link. You'll see just how serious he is. Mark has two costumes each year. My personal favorite is his Gene Simmons get up. You'd swear that you were looking at Gene in his heyday.
For now, just know that I had a really funny post about costumes and kids in costumes that I wanted to share. But I'm not going to. I have edited and re-edited and now I've had a bit much to drink. More important, we'll be getting up early in the morning and I need all the strength I can get to deal with the kids.
Happy Halloween case I don't update before then. I plan to, but you know what they say, though...the road to hell...

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