Gratuitous Baby Update

Age - 16 months (on the 6th).
Walking - actually running - and into EVERYTHING.
Teeth - 7
Still Nursing - first thing in AM and last thing before bed - but we're trying to break the last one, as all he does now is play (read that: smiles at me mischieviously and then bites).
Hair - Still not much, although it is growing in the back. He has a little baby mullet. I think it's kind of funny. I am sure he'll resent me someday when he is older. He can get over it in therapy like the other two.
Words - Mama, Mommy, Daddy, Bubby (his older brother), TssssTsss (for Sissy, his sister), NaNa, PaPa, bubble, Elmo (Dear God), on (he likes to turn on lights), off (sometimes he actually turns them off, too), no (but of course), NumNum (for food and drinks), ball, me me (when he wants something you are holding or something he is not supposed to have) and Gah (which we believe is dog and any other walking four legged creature...oh and lobsters).

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