Friday, December 21, 2007

Box THIS, Buster!

I curse the man (it had to have been a man) that invented the "box."

Wait...let me rephrase that.

I curse the person who taught my Husband that "cleaning" means stuffing all the crap you can into a box and shoving it into a closet.

"Out of sight, out of mind."

He actually said that to me with a straight face.

I'll be lucky to avoid spending my Christmas in a jail cell.


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Name: Cattiva
Location: Virginia, United States

About Me: I'm the mom of three: #1 Son (20), The Princess of Wails (17) and their baby brother - The Baby (6). I was a grad-student working on an MA in history until we were surprised - I mean blessed - with The Baby. I'll get back to it...someday (the thesis, not the kid - I have no choice concerning the kid). I am one of only a few people I went to school with who is actually using their history degree in my career (and to think my Father called it Basket-weaving!). I live a very hectic life amongst massive clutter. I call it a good day if we have managed to get home at night without losing one of the kids (no matter how hard I try!). Friends say I have a humorous take on life's happenings. The sad part is that what I write about is true. I laugh to keep from crying.

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