Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Clown on the Ball

So I have gotten on this big "Get Fit and Healthy" kick lately. I'm eating better, actually exercising and have lost some weight. All in all, a pretty good plan. This new lifestyle I'm trying to achieve has also brought me to a realization. It seems I have missed my calling with the circus.

You can imagine the warmth I felt when I finally understood that I have been put on this earth for my children's amusement.

Imagine their glee when I purchased a stability ball. Have you seen one of these things? It's a rather huge rubber ball that aids in a workout. I thought it looked like a fun piece of equipment to use for strength training - something I have added to my routine. Besides, it was cheap - about 10 bucks at WalMart. We took the thing out and blew it up (Hubby and The Baby had great fun doing that) and I tried a couple of exercises.

Apparently the sight of their Mother balancing precariously on a huge blow up ball is enough to send certain people's children into hysterics. Fine. I did what any self-respecting Mom would do. I challenged them to try it themselves.

Who's the clown NOW, Missy?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you like it? Just curious since I've been thinking of getting one but thought they were much more expensive than that.

9:45 PM  

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Name: Cattiva
Location: Virginia, United States

About Me: I'm the mom of three: #1 Son (20), The Princess of Wails (17) and their baby brother - The Baby (6). I was a grad-student working on an MA in history until we were surprised - I mean blessed - with The Baby. I'll get back to it...someday (the thesis, not the kid - I have no choice concerning the kid). I am one of only a few people I went to school with who is actually using their history degree in my career (and to think my Father called it Basket-weaving!). I live a very hectic life amongst massive clutter. I call it a good day if we have managed to get home at night without losing one of the kids (no matter how hard I try!). Friends say I have a humorous take on life's happenings. The sad part is that what I write about is true. I laugh to keep from crying.

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